
(Picture: Thomas Galvin Supervisor, District 2)
By: Thomas Galvin, Vice Chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, District 2
In a world where governments raise taxes and state legislatures struggle to finalize their budget, Maricopa County has achieved the balance between cutting costs and maintaining excellent customer service.
I serve as Vice Chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and represent Supervisorial District 2, which includes Mesa. The Board governs the County and allocates funding to its departments and elected offices.
In June, the Board approved a budget for FY 2025, which was keenly focused on a conservative fiscal policy and responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars. We have cut property tax rates for the fourth year in a row.
Relieving Financial Burdens on Taxpayers
The Board decreased the overall budget by 11% this year and property tax rates have decreased by 18% over the last four years.
Compared to other similarly sized counties, Maricopa County boasts a leaner and effective workforce. Our staff-to-population ratio is one of the lowest in the country.
Maricopa County oversees a balanced budget, and I am proud to say that our tax levy is $257 million below the state-mandated ceiling, proving our fiscal discipline.
Lowering Taxes While Maintaining Excellent Customer Service
Despite lowering taxes, we are still funding critical and mandatory services. Nearly half the budget goes towards public safety so that law enforcement, jails, probation, courts, and criminal prosecution and defense can meet staffing needs and keep residents safe.
We have invested in heat relief efforts and are partnering with local municipalities to establish cooling centers across the Valley. Just a few weeks ago, I visited a heat relief center to help distribute water bowls and dog shoes for pet owners escaping triple-digit temperatures.
Also, Maricopa County recently launched Permit Center, a new online permitting system that makes doing business with the County easier, faster, and more efficient.
Responsible Planning for Future Budgets
Economic conditions can change rapidly, so we must be prepared for every possible outcome. Maricopa County has zero general obligation debt. For the past two years, we have made significant contributions towards paying down unfunded pension liabilities for retiring public safety employees. This approach saves taxpayer money in the long run.
The Board’s mission is simple. We pay for our obligations in a timely manner, minimize our debt, keep ample money in reserve, and never spend more than what we have. That’s why we are the most fiscally conservative large government jurisdiction in the country. Maricopa County’s taxpayers can be assured that their county government’s fiscal condition is in good hands.
If you have any questions or need to reach my office, please call 602-506-7431 or email me at District2@Maricopa.gov Sign up for our monthly newsletters by visiting my District page here https://www.maricopa.gov/235/District-2

在一個政府增稅和州立法機構難以確定預算的环境中,馬瑞科帕郡(Maricopa County)成功地在削減成本和保持卓越的客戶服務之間達到了平衡。
此外,馬瑞科帕郡最近推出了Permit Center,一個新的在線許可系統,使與郡政府的業務往來變得更容易、更快捷、更高效。
如果您有任何問題或需要聯繫我的辦公 室,請撥打602-506-7431或發送電子郵件至District2@Maricopa.gov。您可以訪問我的選區頁面 https://www.maricopa.gov/235/District-2 訂閱我們的月刊新聞簡報。