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【新店开张】谭华参茸海味有限公司 新店开业乔迁 感恩优惠 暨8周年店庆

Writer's picture: Nextweekly壹週報Nextweekly壹週報







岁月悄然流逝,不经意间,公司的生意已走过了五十四个春秋,因始终信奉“以德经营、专业保障、真诚服务、营销开路”的经营宗旨,把顾客的满意放在首位,公司也早已成为一家有良好信誉口碑的老店,日益得到顾客的认可和信赖。回顾凤凰城分公司走过的八个年头,店面也是在不断地扩大,业务范畴不断地增加之中。从初始的一间店面,到如今把新张店铺搬进独立的一整幢楼。商品也是从传统高品质的参茸,海货,菌菇,茶艺到逐步引进中草药材,保健品,土特产等,还有与美国太子行,许氏参业集团,TJ SEVEN INC,丹迪仕等多家企业横向建立起了合作伙伴关系,如今又要开设中医针灸馆,一步一个脚印地见证了公司的成长与繁荣。新张店铺不仅开辟了独立的茶叶专卖店茶室,使顾客可以随心试饮品茶,体验茶文化,还增加了两间针灸室。使得为大众提供营养健康,丰富多样的优质商品的同时,也致力于为客户提供优质的购物体验和专业的医疗服务。从积极普及健康知识进展到如今进一步提供贴心方便的医疗支持,在保持传统商品高品质的同时也大大地提升了服务的品位,因此也越来越受到人们的欢迎与喜爱。

随着发展,公司的眼光也更加长远,脚步也跨得更远。希望在服务同胞的同时,能扩大格局,面向整个社会,并担负起弘扬中国传统历史文化的使命。八年里,谭华参茸茶艺文化有限公司不仅积极参与了华人社区活动,多次被老人中心耆英会表扬,获得”敬老尊优,乐善好施” 的美名,也热心投入主流社会的一些公益活动,努力为华人竖立正面形象。在新冠病毒大流行的灾难时期公司不仅想方设法为民众筹办紧缺的防疫物资,为当地的老年中心,佛教慈济基金会,特别是当地的警察局等单位免费捐献了大批的口罩与防疫药品。因而受到美莎市政府的赞赏与市长的表彰,曾在美莎商会的餐会上作为华人代表而被特别安排坐在市府政要的一桌。公司也非常关注弱势人群,年年为美国食品银行和健康医疗机构捐款,为有需要者慷慨伸出援助之手。公司参与的公益活动还包括热心出资,为吉伯特与中国姐妹乐山市建造的友谊公园添砖加瓦。努力践行了取之社会又用之社会的座右铭。近年来,谭华参茸茶艺文化有限公司的老板还多次被荣幸邀请,参加美莎商会每年举办的“美莎有爱心”的年度盛会。这是一个旨在表彰和庆祝市内商业和非营利社区的卓越成就与领导力。它不仅是表彰社区领袖们的贡献,也强调了他们对社区发展和改善生活质量的承诺。 就是在这个活动的宣传册上,谭华参茸茶艺文化有限公司的全页广告还赫然出现在封底上,大大提高了华人企业的知名度与影响力。




所有正价商品六折优惠,机不可失 时不再来!















本店新地址:20 S.  Dobson Rd. Mesa Arizona 85202

9月22日开门时间:10:00 am.




Tan Hua Inc. (譚華參茸海味有限公司 & 譚華茶藝文化有限公司)

老店地址:66 S Dobson Rd #116, Mesa, AZ 85202

新店地址:20 S. Dobson Rd., Mesa, AZ 85202

營業時間 週一至週四 10AM-6PM,週五至週日 10AM-6:30PM (老店照常营业,期待您的光临)

Phone: (415) 900-8910, Tel: (480) 410-6707

Tan Hua Inc. Celebrates New Store Opening and Relocation With Special Thank-You Discounts and 8th Anniversary

A celebration for the grand opening and relocation of a new store, adorned with fresh flowers, attended by local dignitaries, business elites, and socialites, cutting the ribbon. The 8th-anniversary banquet, under the dazzling lights with a hall full of guests and smiling faces receiving heartfelt congratulations, coupled with the biggest sale of the year, will kick off and reach the climax of the grand reopening of Tan Hua Inc. as they celebrate 8 years in Phoenix. The 8th year is indeed a good year—just look at how much the Chinese love the number 8. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 started precisely at 8:08:08 PM on August 8th. The number 8 symbolizes wealth and prosperity from all directions.


Time passes quietly, and before we knew it, our business has been running for 54 years. We have always adhered to the business philosophy of “operating with integrity, ensuring professional quality, sincere service, and marketing as the way forward,” putting customer satisfaction first. The company has long since become a well-reputed old store, increasingly recognized and trusted by customers.


Looking back at the eight years that the Phoenix branch has gone through, the store has continuously expanded, and the business scope has steadily increased. From the initial single storefront to today’s new store in an entire independent building, the product offerings have also grown from traditional high-quality ginseng, seafood, mushrooms, and tea arts to gradually introducing Chinese herbal medicines, health products, and local specialties. We have also established horizontal partnerships with many companies such as Prince of Peace, Ginseng & Herbs Co., TJ SEVEN INC., and Dendish.

Now, we are about to open a Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture clinic, marking each step of the company’s growth and prosperity. The new store has not only opened an independent tea shop and tea room where customers can enjoy tea tasting and experience tea culture, but has also added two acupuncture rooms. While providing the public with nutritious, healthy, and diverse high-quality products, we are also committed to offering customers a quality shopping experience and professional medical services. From actively promoting health knowledge to now providing more convenient and caring medical support, we have greatly enhanced the service quality while maintaining the high quality of traditional products, and this has made us increasingly popular and loved by people.

As we grow, the company’s vision becomes broader and more far-reaching. We hope to expand our services to the entire community while continuing to serve our compatriots and take on the mission of promoting Chinese traditional history and culture. Over the past eight years, Tan Hua Inc. has not only actively participated in community activities within the Chinese community but has also been praised multiple times by the Elderly Center for “respecting the elderly, being charitable,” earning a good name.

We have also enthusiastically participated in some public welfare activities in the mainstream society, striving to establish a positive image for the Chinese community. During the disaster of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company not only tried its best to organize scarce materials for the public but also donated a large number of masks and medicines for free to local elderly centers, the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, and especially to the local police department. For this, the company was commended by the Mesa City Government and the mayor and was specially arranged to sit at the same table as city officials at the Mesa Chamber of Commerce dinner as a representative of the Chinese community. The company is also very concerned about vulnerable groups, donating to the American Food Bank and healthcare institutions every year, generously extending a helping hand to those in need. The company’s public welfare activities also include enthusiastically funding the construction of a friendship park between Gilbert and its Chinese sister city, Leshan.


We have earnestly practiced the motto of giving back to society. In recent years, the owner of Tan Hua Inc. has also been honored to be invited several times to participate in the annual “Mesa Has Heart” event hosted by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce. This is an event that aims to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements and leadership in the city’s business and nonprofit communities. It not only honors the contributions of community leaders but also emphasizes their commitment to community development and improving the quality of life. In the event’s program, a full-page advertisement for Tan Hua Inc. was prominently displayed on the back cover, significantly increasing the visibility and influence of Chinese businesses.


After eight years of hard work, the company sincerely thanks each and every one of you who has visited our store. We appreciate your support and trust, your understanding of our value and quality. You are the driving force and strength behind our store’s development. We will never forget our original intentions and will strive to do even better. September 22nd is the big day of our grand opening celebration. To sincerely thank you, our new and old customers, and friends from all walks of life for your support, and to express our small token of appreciation to the public, the company will launch a series of promotional offers during this celebration, and everyone who attends will receive something.


  • On the day of the grand opening, every customer will receive a free $20 voucher.

  • The first five customers in the store will receive a 40% discount on all regular-priced items. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

  • The first 30 customers who spend $300 will receive a $100 voucher (while supplies last, first come, first served. Note: Excludes sale items).

  • The first 20 customers will receive a free box of Tong Ren Tang Natural Wellness Tea worth $20, plus a $20 voucher.


Our new address: 20 S. Dobson Rd., Mesa, Arizona 85202

Opening day: September 22nd, 10:00 AM.

The old store will continue to operate as usual.

Welcome! We look forward to seeing you.

The Mesa Tribune 媒體報道


66 S Dobson Rd. Ste 116.Mesa, AZ 85202(新世界廣場酒樓旁北門)

新店开业地址:20 S. Dobson Rd., Mesa, AZ 85202

營業時間 週一至週四 10AM-6PM,週五至週日 10AM-6:30PM (老店照常营业,期待您的光临)

電話:415-900-8910, 480-410-6707


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