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祝贺Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant隆重重新开业!

Writer's picture: Nextweekly壹週報Nextweekly壹週報

【AZ本地新闻】Congratulations on the grand reopening of Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant!

《壹週報Nextweekly》謹向位於Gilbert的Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant致以最熱烈的祝賀,慶祝其成功重新開業。作為當地備受喜愛的中餐館,Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant以其精湛的烹飪技藝和優質的服務,贏得了社區的廣泛認可。我們相信,餐館的重新開業將繼續為Gilbert及周邊地區的居民帶來美味佳餚和難忘的用餐體驗。

店主Dragon Sam表示:「很高興看到朋友們前來支持!」在這次盛大的開業典禮上,我們榮幸地迎來了Chandler市長Kevin Hartke、國會議員Andy Biggs、Chandler市議員兼Maricopa監督員Mark Steward、ASU主任Ward等嘉賓,以及眾多忠實顧客、各位朋友和家人的支持。您的支持與鼓勵對我們意義重大,我們對大家的到來表示衷心的感謝!我們還很榮幸地得到Arizona的ABC 15 特地前來採訪報道我們的重新開業(相關報道網址:ABC 15報道)。

此外,Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant現正在招聘員工!歡迎有興趣的朋友親自前來申請:727 W. Ray Rd #1, Gilbert, AZ 85233,或致電480-782-6889。期待您的加入!

《壹週報Nextweekly》也將持續關注Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant的成功,並期待與大家分享更多餐館的好消息和佳餚盛宴。

Nextweekly Chinese Newspaper would like to extend its warmest congratulations to Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant in Gilbert on its successful grand reopening. As a beloved local Chinese restaurant, Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant has earned widespread recognition in the community for its exquisite culinary skills and excellent service. We believe that the reopening of the restaurant will continue to bring delicious cuisine and unforgettable dining experiences to the residents of Gilbert and surrounding areas.

Owner Dragon Sam expressed, "I’m happy to see friends coming to support us!" At this grand reopening ceremony, we were honored to welcome Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke, Congressman Andy Biggs, Chandler Councilman and Maricopa Supervisor Mark Steward, ASU Director Ward, as well as numerous loyal customers, friends, and family. Your support and encouragement mean a lot to us, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended! We are also honored that Arizona's ABC 15 came to cover our reopening (report link: ABC 15 report).

Additionally, Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant is currently hiring! Interested individuals are welcome to apply in person at 727 W. Ray Rd #1, Gilbert, AZ 85233, or call 480-782-6889. We look forward to having you join our team!

Nextweekly Chinese Newspaper will continue to follow the success of Dragon Wok Fine Chinese Restaurant and looks forward to sharing more exciting news and culinary delights with everyone.

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