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如果我是美國當權者 If I am in charge of The United States of America

Updated: Aug 8, 2023









I like to day dream when I have nothing else better to do, here’s one for you. Nowadays, natural and man-made disasters occur frequently in the United States, the economy and people’s livelihood are a mess, but it is really not difficult to solve these problems.

My first reform is that, let’s not waste all the money on the “show”, or what they would call their election campaign. Use all that money to rebuild the infrastructures and promote new developments, I promise you the vote will come naturally.

Secondly, if the United State is built upon Christianity, why don’t we openly promote the education of Christ’s selfness love, fairness and justice? Once the people are educated, how can anyone riot and cause trouble? The Bible clearly states that people must obey those in power. If everyone is law-abiding and loving, how can there be riots?

Speaking of this, I don’t understand why China is targeting Christianity either. Why wouldn’t they read the Bible just the Americans? If you understand the Bible, there will be no need to suppress or restrict anything.

Thirdly, let’s not waste billions of tax dollars trying to get to the Moon or Mars. Use the funding to strengthen environmental protections and carefully study how to save the earth and protect our ecological system instead. Your home is in need of repair, right? Let’s fix your own problems before you get into other people's affairs?

Finally, the United States is too busy using their nuclear weapons to bully other countries, they should change their focus to technological developments instead. The United States had been a world leader in science and technology for a decade. Nowadays when they see other countries are catching up, they simply get angry and burry their head in the sand. What’s up with their efforts on trying to sanction Huawei and Bytedance?

I shall stop here, because if I keep going, I won’t be able to sleep. And if I can’t get a good night sleep, how can I have a good dream? The world is definitely frustrating these days, I need my good dreams.

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