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PO Chicken 的炸雞! Fried Chicken at Po Chicken

Writer's picture: Nextweekly壹週報Nextweekly壹週報


有時看韓劇,看到劇中演員一手拿雞,一手拿啤酒杯,滿面享受的模樣,真的恨不得馬上開車出門去買,尤其PO Chicken 離我家很近。比起美國炸雞,韓式的要有創意許多,雞本身味道也有許多種,不像前者雞本身味道口感都一樣,只靠不同的醬汁來加味,想來比較單調。Po Chicken 提供的是正宗的韓國炸雞,味道造型口感都正宗,和我在韓國當地吃到的沒有分別,種類亦一樣多,如果沒有燥熱的問題,我想我應該會更常去光顧。你想不想去試試?(馮小茹) Whenever I see Korean drama actors in the show holding chicken in one hand and beer in another along with their happy face, it makes me want to go out and get some of that myself, especially when PO Chicken is so close to my house. Compare to American style fried chicken, Korean style is much more creative. The chicken itself can have many different tastes, unlike the American style it is all the same thing only covered with difference sauces, which to me is rather boring. Po Chicken offers authentic Korean fried chicken, authentic in both look, texture and taste. They are exactly same as in if you would have ordered them in the streets of Korea, with the same variety and flavors. Only if they were not fried food, otherwise I probably will be there all the time. Would you care to give PO Chicken a try?

Po Chicken


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