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鳳凰城中國週舉辦第35屆春節晚宴 共慶蛇年迎新春 Phoenix Chinese Week Hosts 35th Annual Lunar New Year Banquet to Celebrate the Year of the Snake

Writer: Nextweekly壹週報Nextweekly壹週報


2025年2月8日,鳳凰城中國週(Phoenix Chinese Week)在Great Wall Cuisine 隆重舉辦第35屆農曆新年慶祝晚宴,與近300位嘉賓共迎蛇年。本次晚宴不僅展現了中華文化的獨特魅力,還進行了年度獎學金頒發及對社區支持者的表彰。

中國週主席Eva Li

晚宴主持人Hua Cong Chen 和 Gavin Li

本次晚宴由Hua Cong Chen 和 Gavin Li 擔任主持人,開場即帶來由Dynamic Martial Arts 表演的舞獅,為晚宴增添喜慶氛圍。

鳳凰城市副市長兼台北姐妹市委員會聯絡官Ann O'Brien、國會議員代表Andrew Simek、鳳凰城警察局長Michael Sullivan及鳳凰城姐妹城市委員會主席Melissa Goitia紛紛登台致辭,並由鳳凰城中國週主席Eva Li贈送感謝禮物。鳳凰城警察局長Michael Sullivan在致辭中表示,「中國週」不僅是展示中華文化的重要平台,更是促進鳳凰城與中國各地友好關係的重要橋梁。他們高度評價了華人社區為本地經濟、文化和社會發展作出的卓越貢獻,並期待未來進一步深化合作,推動更多友好交流。

本次活動的主辦方——鳳凰城中國週主席朱綺華(Eva Li)在致辭中,對鳳凰城市政府及社會各界長期以來對中國周的鼎力支持表達了衷心感謝。她表示,希望通過這一活動,讓更多美國友人深入了解中華文化,增進兩國人民的友誼,並進一步推動中美民間友好交流。

鳳凰城市副市長兼台北姐妹市委員會聯絡官Ann O'Brien

國會議員代表Andrew Simek

鳳凰城警察局長Michael Sullivan

鳳凰城姐妹城市委員會主席Melissa Goitia

此外,著名變臉藝術家Kenny Perez 也為觀眾帶來精彩的川劇變臉表演,贏得滿堂喝彩。







• Emily Chao (Chandler High School)

• Ruyuan (Jenny) Dong (Hamilton High School)

• Sophia Lin (BASIS Scottsdale School)

• Bruce Jack Ruan (Mountain Ridge High School)



1. Ann O' Brien - 鳳凰城副市長 & 台北姐妹城市聯絡人(及其丈夫)

2. Andrew Simek - 國會議員 Ansari 地區運營經理

3. Michael Sullivan - 鳳凰城警察局長(及其妻子)

4. Melissa Goitia - 鳳凰姐妹城市委員會主席

5. Rita Marko - 鳳凰姐妹城市主席 & CEO

6. Rick Gerrard - 鳳凰姐妹城市副主席

7. Allan Yang - 鳳凰姐妹城市成都委員會主席


8. Commander William Jou - 鳳凰城警察和消防部門代表

9. Justin Lum - Fox 10 記者(及其妻子 Laura,擔任春節慶典開幕儀式主持人)

10. Artist Wang Hongyi - 紀念冊封面設計師,北美國際書畫院副院長,洛杉磯紅學院副院長


11. Jason Wong - ACEL(亞裔企業與領導者協會)鳳凰分會主席

12. Matt Hum - ACEL 鳳凰分會會長

13. Wentian Yang 楊文田 - 亞利桑那華人協會 & 美國鳳凰華人資訊網創辦人

14. Wu Ning - 亞利桑那華人協會會長

15. Dragon Sam - 亞利桑那華人協會顧問 & Lizhi Investment Co. 副總裁

16. Wei Yanwen - 亞利桑那華人戲劇社社長


17. John Lee - 亞利桑那州華商會會長

18. Sally Chen - 鳳凰城中文學校顧問

19. Shen Jiaoyan - 亞利桑那州立大學中國學生學者聯合會會長

20. Gengxin Zhang - 亞利桑那現代中文學校董事會主席

21. Qiu Xiang - 東方藝術學院院長

22. Amanda Garcia - 猶太社區關係委員會(JCRC)鳳凰分會臨時主任


23. Hu Shan 胡珊 - 《NextWeekly 亞利桑那州壹週報》主編

24. Brenda Fung - 餘風采堂家族會會長

25. Huang Hai - 越南華人協會會長




鳳凰城中國週主席Eva Li 在致辭中表示:「我們很榮幸迎來第35屆春節慶祝活動,這是中國周的重要傳統之一,旨在弘揚中華文化、教育下一代,並凝聚社區力量。隨着蛇年的到來,我們希望帶來智慧、好運、繁榮和長壽。祝願大家在新的一年裡身體健康,萬事如意!」

本次中國周春宴不僅是一場慶祝春節的盛會,更是促進中美文化交流、深化民間友誼的重要平台。通過這場文化盛事,中華文化在海外生根發芽,促進不同文化之間的理解與包容。 本屆春宴在熱烈歡快的氛圍中圓滿落幕,嘉賓們紛紛互致新年祝福,並期待來年再聚,共享這一文化盛宴,攜手推動中美民間友誼的長遠發展。


On February 8, 2025, Phoenix Chinese Week hosted its 35th Annual Lunar New Year Banquet at Great Wall Cuisine, bringing together nearly 300 guests to welcome the Year of the Snake. The evening featured captivating cultural performances, a scholarship presentation, and recognition of outstanding community supporters.

The banquet was emceed by Hua Cong Chen and Gavin Li, with a lion dance performance by Dynamic Martial Arts setting a festive tone for the evening.

City of Phoenix Vice Mayor & Council Liaison for Sister City Taipei - Ann O’Brien, Congresswoman Ansari’s District Operation Manager - Andrew Simek, Phoenix Police Chief - Michael Sullivan, and Phoenix Sister Cities Board Chair - Melissa Goitia took the stage to deliver speeches and received tokens of appreciation from Phoenix Chinese Week Chair - Eva Li.

Phoenix Police Chief Michael Sullivan stated that "Chinese Week" is not only an important platform for showcasing Chinese culture but also a vital bridge for promoting friendly relations between Phoenix and various regions of China. He praised the significant contributions of the Chinese community to the local economy, culture, and social development, and expressed anticipation for further deepening cooperation and fostering more friendly exchanges in the future.

The organizer of the event, Phoenix Chinese Week Chair Eva Li, expressed her heartfelt gratitude in her speech for the long-standing support of the Phoenix city government and various sectors of society for Chinese Week. She stated that through this event, she hopes to help more American friends gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture, strengthen the friendship between the peoples of both countries, and further promote people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States.

Adding to the cultural richness of the evening, renowned performer Kenny Perez dazzled the audience with a mesmerizing face-changing (Bian Lian) performance, earning enthusiastic applause.

Committed to fostering cultural awareness and academic excellence, Phoenix Chinese Week awarded scholarships to four outstanding students:

• Emily Chao (Chandler High School)

• Ruyuan (Jenny) Dong (Hamilton High School)

• Sophia Lin (BASIS Scottsdale School)

• Bruce Jack Ruan (Mountain Ridge High School)

The event also honored sponsors and distinguished guests, including:

Government Officials & Community Representatives

1. Ann O’Brien – Phoenix Vice Mayor & Council Liaison for Sister City, Taipei (and her husband)

2. Andrew Simek – Congresswoman Ansari’s District Operation Manager

3. Michael Sullivan – Phoenix Police Chief (and his wife)

4. Melissa Goitia – Phoenix Sister Cities Board Chair

5. Rita Marko – Phoenix Sister Cities President & CEO

6. Rick Gerrard – Phoenix Sister Cities Vice President

7. Allan Yang – Phoenix Sister City Chengdu Committee Chair

Media & Public Safety Representatives

8. Commander William Jou – Representative of the Phoenix Police & Fire Departments

9. Justin Lum – Fox 10 Investigative Reporter (and his wife, Laura, guest emcee at the Lunar New Year Festival grand opening ceremony)

10. Artist Wang Hongyi – Designer of the event’s souvenir book cover, Vice President of the North American International Academy of Painting & Calligraphy, Vice President of Los Angeles Red Academy

Business & Community Leaders

11. Jason Wong – Chair of ACEL (Asian Corporate & Entrepreneur Leaders) Phoenix

12. Matt Hum (to be confirmed) – President of ACEL Phoenix

13. Wentian Yang – Chairman of Arizona Chinese Association & USA Phoenix News

14. Wu Ning – President of Arizona Chinese Association

15. Dragon Sam – Advisor of Arizona Chinese Association & Vice President of Lizhi Investment Co.

16. Wei Yanwen – President of Arizona Chinese Drama Club

Education & Cultural Organization Representatives

17. John Lee – President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Arizona

18. Sally Chen – Advisor of the Chinese Linguistic School of Phoenix

19. Shen Jiaoyan – President of the Chinese Students & Scholars Association at ASU

20. Gengxin Zhang – Chairman of the Board, Contemporary Chinese School of Arizona

21. Qiu Xiang – President of Eastern Art Academy

22. Amanda Garcia – Interim Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Phoenix

Community & Media Representatives

23. Hu Shan – Editor-in-Chief of Next Weekly Arizona Chinese News Paper

24. Brenda Fung – President of Yee Fung Toy Family Association

25. Huang Hai – President of the Vietnam Chinese Association

These guests represented a wide range of sectors, including government, business, education, media, culture, and public safety, highlighting the strong connections within the Chinese and broader community in Phoenix.

Guests enjoyed a delicious 10-course dinner, offering an authentic taste of Chinese cuisine. A silent auction was held, with attendees enthusiastically bidding on exclusive items, and lucky guests walked away with exciting raffle prizes.

During the Chinese Week opening ceremony and Chinese cultural exhibition held from February 1 to 2, many American friends showed great interest in Chinese culture, actively participating in interactive sessions such as learning calligraphy and experiencing tea ceremonies, immersing themselves in the unique charm of the Spring Festival. Yang Wentian, Chairman of the Arizona Chinese United Association, who has long been dedicated to China-U.S. cultural exchanges, stated, "Every year, participating in Chinese Week activities allows me to deeply appreciate the vastness and profundity of Chinese culture and witness the continuous deepening of the people-to-people friendship between our two countries."

Phoenix Chinese Week President Eva Li shared her gratitude and vision for the event, stating,

“We are honored to celebrate the 35th anniversary of this cherished tradition. Phoenix Chinese Week is dedicated to promoting Chinese culture, educating future generations, and fostering community unity. As we embrace the Year of the Snake, a symbol of wisdom, transformation, and prosperity, we wish everyone a year of success, good fortune, and happiness!”

This year’s Phoenix Chinese Week was not only a grand celebration of the Spring Festival but also a key platform for promoting China-U.S. cultural exchange and strengthening people-to-people ties. The event allowed Chinese culture to take root and thrive in the U.S., fostering greater cross-cultural understanding and acceptance. The festivities concluded on a joyful note, with guests exchanging New Year greetings and eagerly anticipating next year’s gathering to continue celebrating the rich cultural heritage and advancing the long-term development of China-U.S. relations.

謝謝觀看!Thanks for watching!


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